Wednesday, 16 May 2012

A flashback to groovier times - Sr Janet Mead "The Lord's Prayer" (1973)

As many of us go about wondering how the Church ended up in the mess it is in the mess it is today, I was recently alerted by a friend to this old gem from Sr Janet Mead, still oozing with the 70's groove that caused so many souls to be lost to the Church.

Wikipedia informs us that Sr Janet also "began to explore the "rock mass" concept in the early 1970s, desiring to make the Catholic Mass more interesting and accessible for her students. This led to a successful series of "rock masses" that she conducted at Adelaide Cathedral."

Well with weekly Mass attendance in Australia sitting around the 14% mark today, the "success" of such rock Masses is looking rather questionable. Don't give up hope yet though, it seems that the good Cardinal Schonborn of Vienna hasn't quite given up on the old Missae Petram:

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